PLANS to close a popular Public Right of Way in Cockermouth have prompted huge opposition.
Story Homes, who are building homes off Strawberry How Road, have applied to Allerdale Council for permission to stop up a path on Slatefell.
More than 150 people have objected to the council, a petition has attracted more than 195 signatures. Cockermouth Town Council will hold a public meeting about the application.
The developers want to close a 600-metre section of the path which goes from Bellbrigg Lonning to Slatefell while work is carried out on their proposed housing development. 
Story Homes have provided details of a temporary footpath which would be in place during the construction period, as part of the their reserved matters application. Once construction is finished they intend to provide a pedestrian footway through the site. 
Jack Abernethy, of Woodville Park, said: "This is a much-loved route which goes over the top of Slate Fell and continues over to the top of Lambfoot.
"This has caused a firestorm of criticism. Story Homes has completely underestimated the importance of this Public Right of Way to local residents. 
"It has been used by dog walkers, fell runners, ramblers and other local residents, for generations."
The application states that the closure is needed to allow the development to be constructed safely. 
"Once the proposed development is completed, a pedestrian route will be available for use," it says.
"There will be no Public Right of Way through the new development," said Mr Abernethy. 
"If the new planning application is approved, there will be a route which would involve walking along narrow pavements and crossing two roads with no pedestrian crossing. 
"This will not be available until the development has been completed. This will be years away!"
Town mayor David Malloy will chair a question and answer session alongside Allerdale planning manager Simon Sharp about the application. This will take place at 6.15pm on Wednesday, November 21, before the council's monthly meeting.
Ros Earthy, joint chair of Cockermouth Vision, said: "At a time when there is concern about obesity footpaths should be being created not closed. This is an area popular with walkers, runners, and dog walkers.
"The Cockermouth Vision hopes to see green spaces protected and walking routes developed. This application is entirely inappropriate."
James Fairey, of Challoner Court, said: "This public footpath has been used on a regular basis by residents of Cockermouth and district for generations. I have used this footpath for over 25 years and object to it being stopped. This is against the Local Authority's policy of maintaining public footpaths and rights of way."
A Story Homes spokesman said: “Story Homes has submitted its proposals for 224 new homes at Strawberry How in Cockermouth and we are awaiting the outcome of this submission.”
An Allerdale spokesman said: "Story Homes intend to provide a pedestrian footway through the site which will mainly follow the proposed public highway which would link from Bellbrigg Lonning to the east end of the site where the current footpath continues on to Slate Fell. This would be a replacement for the existing public footpath currently through the site. 
"The 1990 Planning Act permits this as a possible solution but the council have to be satisfied that the proposals provide an appropriate alternative to the footpath. 
"If there is one unresolved objection to the application then the council cannot confirm an order to stop up the footpath and the matter will be notified to the Planning Inspectorate (for the Secretary of State) and, consequently, an inquiry held."