A planned wind turbine at Greysouthen has attracted 130 letters of objection and opposition from five parish council.

Terra Renewables Ltd wants to put up a 220ft, 500kW turbine at Springfield Farm.

The letters of objection have been sent to Allerdale council, which has also received a 65-name petition against the scheme.

Fifty-six letters of support have been sent.

The parish councils in Greysouthen, Dean, Papcastle, Brigham and Broughton object to the plan. 

They raised concerns that, at three times the height of other turbines in the area, it would have a negative impact on views.

Planning officers have recommended that the application should be turned down when the council's development panel meets on Tuesday.

They said it went against a ministerial announcement made in June because it was not planned on a site identified in local planning policy as suitable for turbines, and community concerns had not been overcome.