Try to have a relaxing Friday evening with a leisurely meal (not too much beer!) and a good night’s sleep, says the K2B committee.

Make sure your toenails are cut short. Sort out your bags into what you will carry, what to give your support crew, and what you will leave behind. Endeavour to be unflustered and at peace with yourself and the outside world.

Clothing - The walk is mostly on hard-surfaced paths and tarmac roads, so we recommend lightweight "running" gear (not walking boots and woolly jumpers), ie: trainers, socks, shorts or comfortable trousers, T-shirt, an additional layer such as a sweatshirt or hoodie, Hi-viz vest, jacket or arm bands.

Try to carry as little as possible, and arrange to meet up with your support team for changes of clothes, extra food, etc. We suggest that you consider carrying the following: lightweight energy snacks, drinks, mobile phone, waterproof jacket and trousers, suncream, blister plasters and vaseline for placs that rub.