A Greenland professor has been so inspired by a Keswick children's writing group that she is including them in a book she is working on.

Karina Hofman, a researcher from the University of Greenland, had heard about the Keswick School club and its team writing project.

She contacted school librarian Helen Robinson, who runs the Writers and Illustrators Club.

The group is writing a book which will be published by its sponsor, Elterwater Press, in Cockermouth.

"She has been observing our work as part of her UK-based research into methods of teaching creative writing and enhancing creative approaches to education," said Mrs Robinson.

Ms Hofman hopes to develop creative writing resources for Greenlandic teachers and collaborative projects between schools in the UK and Greenland.

She is producing a book to provide inspiration and practical ideas for teachers to develop different approaches to how they deliver creative writing activities.

She asked Mrs Robinson to write a chapter for the book, explaining the team writing projects she has led with her club.

Ms Hofman, who also visited Braithwaite School, said: “The idea of young people working together to write a book is very interesting.

"It would be a fascinating project for The University of Greenland and Greenlandic primary and secondary schools to find inspiration from, and a hugely worthwhile project for my students and their pupils to be involved in.

"Seeing the process of how the Keswick School students are planning, writing for an audience, responding to feedback and the constant editing they are doing is amazing to watch.”