By: Julia Clifford, Managing Director of iCan, Carlisle

In these unprecedented times, it is even more important to concentrate on our health and wellbeing.

Just as we need air to breath, we need water to survive. It's a known fact you can live longer without food, than you can without water. Water is the 'medicine' of life.

Water keeps our joints ‘oiled’ and our body temperature stable, as well as preventing infections. It flows through our system delivering vital nutrients to our cells.

Our kidneys and liver work hard at getting rid of toxins, so the more water we drink, the easier it is for their function. Sometimes, when we think we feel hungry, it could actually be thirst, as our brains often confuse the two.

How much water you should drink depends on many factors including: age, height, weight and surroundings. On average, we should aim for at least eight glasses a day as a minimum (250ml or eight ounces).

You should increase water intake if exercising, sweating more, eating more salty or sugary foods or overindulging in alcohol or caffeinated drinks.

Wall press ups/wall planks:

  • Stand nice and straight in front of the wall with your legs slightly apart, shoulders down and tummy in, put your hands straight out in front of you onto the wall. Keep your body as straight as a plank and bend your arms to perform a standing press up
  • Repeat 10 times slowly and with purpose
  • You can increase your repetitions as you feel fitter
  • To do a plank stay forward holding your tummy in tightly for as long as you can
  • Start with 20 seconds and build it up


  • Keep body stiff and don't bend or dip your back
  • Tuck pelvis under
  • Squeeze tummy and bottom

Above are snippets from iCan's upcoming Live Well Guide. Visit