A young enterpriser from Seaton is helping keep people safe at night.

16-year-old Danielle Potter is the business owner of her very own self-made safety keychains, which she creates from purchases made locally or on retail sites online and distributes from her Facebook page, ‘Dauntless Defence.’

The St Joseph school attendee was attracted to the idea when she realised that self-defence keyrings couldn’t be found or bought anywhere else in the UK and was moved by the recent events of the many people sharing their experiences of feeling unsafe walking at night.

The keychain has attached useful items such as a flashlight, sanitiser and an alarm with other items that can be personalised according to the customer’s preference.

She said about the keyrings: “I saw on the news and posts on social media about how people were feeling unsafe and I thought while scrolling through all these stories that I could create something that people could carry around easily that could help them feel a little safer.”

The keychains are light and compact by design so users can attach them to things they ordinarily would use such as their car or house keys.

Danielle created her Facebook page, Dauntless Defence in December 2020 and her first batch of keyrings sold out immediately.

After she noticed there was a demand for the items she was producing it was a natural step to continue her work and the business has been growing more popular ever since with glowing reviews from customers.

Danielle is optimistic for the future of her small business.

Our readers shared their positive thoughts on the fantastic idea from the Seaton youngster.

Meg Henderson said: “Great idea, I would definitely feel better with one of these.”

Katie Williams thought that: “It’s a very positive thing to do for the community.”

Aimée Louise Hollingsworth, said: “Well done to Danielle, something like this is definitely needed in this day and age.”