A MAN has been sentenced after being caught in possession of a Class A drug and failing to provide a specimen for analysis.

Benjamin Clarke, 38, of Linsty Green in Backbarrow, was found to be in possession of a quantity of cocaine on March 16 this year in Barrow.

On the same day in question, the 38-year-old defendant also failed to give road traffic officers a specimen for analysis after they believed he had been driving with excess drink or drugs in his system.

As a result of his guilty pleas at the first opportunity, magistrates at South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court on May 8 imposed a 12-month community order requirements to complete 60 days of an alcohol abstinence and monitoring program and 10 RAR days.

He was also fined £384 and banned from driving for a period of 17 months. Magistrates offered a drink driving rehabilitation course of the defendant’s choice, which would reduce his disqualification by 17 weeks.

Clarke was also ordered to pat court costs of £85 and a £114 surcharge.