A Workington woman racially abused and spat at a man in a "road rage" incident.

Laura Jane Morgan, 31, of Furness Road, appeared at West Cumbria Magistrates Court today and admitted racially aggravated common assault.

She was handed a nine-week curfew by District Judge Gerald Chalk.

Diane Jackson, prosecuting, said Morgan was driving at Northside when Ekren Yusuf began driving behind her.

Morgan's partner called the police to report the manner of Mr Yusuf's driving but when both cars pulled over at the nearby Asda, Morgan confronted Mr Yusuf.

Mrs Jackson said Mr Yusuf made comments towards Morgan and in response, the defendant racially abused the victim and spat at him.

Claire Kirkpatrick, defending, said Morgan was not proud of her actions but felt there was significant provocation.

She said Morgan didn't set out to follow him but they both continued to Asda.

She added: "She fully accepts the way she behaved was inappropriate."

The judge described the incident as "road rage" and added "you think it was six of one and half a dozen of the other but you shouldn't have got involved.

Mr Chalk said the racial abuse was humiliating and embarrassing for the victim.

She was also ordered to pay £85 costs and and an £85 surcharge.