Cockermouth's youth hostel is set to close next year after 80 years of operation.

Double Mills, off Fern Bank and on the River Cocker, is one of the oldest youth hostels in the country.

The former corn mill opened as a hostel in 1933, two years after the Youth Hostel Association was set up.

It will close after the summer season.

An association spokesman said: "Last year it had 20.4 per cent occupancy rate and, despite the fantastic efforts of our staff, we have been unable to make the youth hostel viable.

"Decisions like hostel closures are never taken lightly and the staff at the affected site are our first priority. 

"We will be working closely with them during a period of consultation."

The association leases the building from the town council.

Eric Nicholson, town, borough and county councillor, told a meeting of the town council: "I'm very disappointed we are going to lose our youth hostel, although this might be a unique opportunity for the town council to do something different with it.

"Once people know this is going to happen hopefully they may approach us and give us some ideas as to how it could be used."