AN acclaimed historian, author and professor of medieval and environmental history will be speaking in Cockermouth later this month.

Bernard Bradbury Memorial Lectures have been held every two years since 2006, organised between Cockermouth Civic Trust, the Lorton and Derwent Fells Local History Society and Cockermouth Heritage Group.

The civic trust organised this year's lecture by Professor Richard Oram from Stirling University.

He will be speaking about castle-building and the control of Cumbria between 1092 and 1237.

"This is a must for anyone at all interested in the origins of Cockermouth Castle," said civic trust chairman Phil Campbell.

"Richard has promised that his talk will be highly visual and non-technical."

It will take place at the Kirkgate Centre, at 8pm, on Friday, September 27.

Tickets (£4.50) are available in advance from the venue.