A professional services company is in the running to be named one of the best rural businesses in the North West.

Lake Mill Consulting Services, based in Oughterside, near Aspatria has been shortlisted in the Rural Business Awards.

It will battle it out against fellow rural professional services businesses, entrepreneurs and enterprises from across the region for a place at the national final.

Lake Mill Consulting was set up by Lorraine Millican in May of last year.

She worked in IT for 30 years and helped to run her husband’s business before creating her consulting firm to help small business owners understand GDPR, data protection, IT and system processes.

Lake Mill Consulting creates compliance packages, training workshops and CPD accredited training, so even the smallest of business can be compliant and comfortable that they protect their customers and employees.

Lorraine also carries out process analysis on companies and can help to implement new IT systems or custom build one for them.

She also works in collaboration with Carlisle-based Realise HR to implement an online HR system called Breathe HR for SMEs.

Lorraine said: “I was totally shocked to be a finalist in the awards.

“I had only been in business 12 months when I applied, however I am passionate about helping other businesses to understand what is considered complex subjects.

“In rural areas there is often a lack of support for some of the compliance subjects however we all must adhere to them and all of my clients so far have been so relieve to have my advice in a simple, informative and friendly way.”

The Rural Business Awards, which has 12 categories, aim to celebrate the achievements of rural businesses and developing a strong network for rural business owners.

The awards host a series of regional finals in the North, East, Midlands, South East, South West, Wales and Northern Ireland, during October and November.

Winners will be chosen by an independent panel of judges and the national final will be held in February.