An estate in Seaton has been deemed unsuitable for either a pedestrian or crossing with an island.

Councillors raised concerns about the dangers of children having to cross at the new Hawthorn Grange estate, which does not have a crossing, in order to walk to and from school.

The estate does not have a pavement all the way down the same side as the housing, forcing children to cross what can be a fast moving road to reach the pavement at the other side.

Cumbria County Councillor for Seaton, Celia Tibble, had reported to Seaton Parish Council: “I am continuing to press for an extension of the 30 mph to the last house in the village and also for a crossing point suitable for children going to school.”

Due to issues including the type of road, usage and the number of pedestrians using it, Celia said - outside the meeting - that the only suitable crossing at that location would have an island in the middle of the road.

However Chairman of the parish council, Danny Horsley, disagrees with that type of crossing.

He said: “It’s far from ideal. It’s not suitable, I’m not happy with these crossings. I objected to one that is proposed for the new estate at Stainburn as well. I seconded Cllr Alan Smith in wanting far more information on crossings with a traffic island. These issues should be considered before the estates are built.”

A spokesman for Cumbria County Council’s highways department said the road is not suitable for a crossing with an island.

They said: “A central refuge type crossing is unsuitable at this location as the carriageway width is too narrow to accommodate it.

"This was not proposed as part of the S278 works - the works undertaken in the existing public highway - and these works are now completed, as is the development.”

“In order to assist road safety however, the existing 30 mph speed limit has been extended to include the approach to Hawthorn Grange, with additional gateway features at the new 30mph speed limit signs, and new road lighting installed to illuminate the area.”

Cllr Tibble said she had also received questions on lack of road markings and planting of shrubs at the line of sight at the estate.

A spokesman for Story Homes said they have not received any complaints from residents or neighbours about the issues mentioned, but would be happy to discuss any issues with residents.

They said: “We would welcome them to get in touch with our after sales service at Story.”