TRAVELLING from Scotland to enjoy a burger with a friend and heading up from Sheffield to climb a mountain with a group of mates. These were just some of the reasons lockdown flouters gave police for entering Cumbria at the weekend.

Cumbria Police revealed that officers engaged with 559 individuals regarding possible breaches of national lockdown restrictions over the two days, with a total of 68 Fixed Penalty Notices issued as a result.

The force revealed that people from across the UK headed to Cumbria, with some coming from Northamptonshire, Liverpool, Yorkshire and Scotland.

Four men from Sheffield travelled to Derwent Water with the intention of staying overnight before climbing a mountain the next morning.

Meanwhile, one man drove from north of the Border to pick up his friend in Carlisle so they could head to Southwaite Services to enjoy a Burger King together.

Cumbria Constabulary's Assistant Chief Constable Andrew Slattery said: “It remains the case that the vast majority of people are listening, are understanding why the restrictions are important and are following. There remains a small minority who are seeking to either push the boundaries as far as they can or pay them no attention.

“One of the issues which we saw quite a lot of over the weekend was people from multiple households travelling together in one vehicle. This is obviously concerning behaviour and people need to think about the health consequences of their actions. People from different households being in a car - a compact, indoor space - obviously creates a high risk of spreading the virus.

“Police and our partners continue to urge people to remember why these national lockdown restrictions have been put in place by the Government.

“Infections are running at very high levels and hospital admissions, both nationally but also here in Cumbria, are rising and causing a great deal of concern. We need people to stay home as much as possible in order to restrict the spread of the virus, protect the NHS and save lives