THE MAN at the heart of Silloth green and has played a major role in keeping the standards high has retired.

After 21 years working his green fingers to the bone, Ken Wannop is handing in his gloves.

The park manager has played a huge role in making the green and other open space what they are today.

A spokesman for the town council said: “We would like to wish Ken Wannop, our park manager, a very long and happy retirement, after 21 years of dedicated service looking after our parks and open spaces.

“The town has been lucky to have benefited from the vast experience and knowledge which Ken brought to the role.

“Ken has been instrumental in bringing Silloth Green up to the high standard it is today, having achieved a Green Flag award for the last eight years in succession and we’ve also had successes with Britain in Bloom.

“None of this would have been possible without our grounds maintenance team, with Ken at the helm.

“All the very best Ken, on the next chapter of your life.”

This is not the end though as a new member has been added to the team Mark Cole, who will add his vast array of knowledge to the team.

“Mr Cole has spent the past month learning the ropes and getting ready to step into a tough role.

After all the awards the area has received he has big boot to fill.

The spokesman continued: “We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Mark Cole on to the team and started with us last month.

“He will be working alongside Dave Hart, to continue keeping our parks and open spaces in tip top condition for our residents and visitors.

“We’ve always had a team with a wide range of skills between them and Mark has a lot of relevant experience behind him.”

The green is also maintained by volunteers, the Friends of Silloth Green, who help keep the area in tip top shape.