A SCHOOL in Workington has climbed the equivalent of Kilimanjaro twice.

Ashfield Junior School pupils carried out the epic challenge to raise money for a charity that helps babies in Tanzania.

The school decided raise for the Forever Angels charity due to links they had with a Tanzanian town and the projects that pupils had been working on around community and helping other people

Teacher Claire Smits said: "As a school we have been learning about our community, from our class and school community, to the Workington and Cumbrian Community to a global community.

"Looking at the global community we thought about what we could do to help others in a different community.

"The children all joined in and had great fun challenging themselves to run about a mile each - that is 16 laps of our playground, and 1.6km.

"We joined in to challenge ourselves to ease the challenge of others and to empower women to break the cycle of poverty."

Last week the school was visited by the charities founder Amy Hathaway, who explained to children and teachers how the money raised would help people in the Forever Angels baby home.

Amy will return in a few weeks to tell the pupils about how the money raised has helped out- with the children being able to see babies who have been helped directly from their fundraising.

If you'd like to donate, here is our page: https://mykilimanjaro.org/t/ashfield-junior-schools-team