THE INSTALLATION of 5G antennas is set to begin at a communications site in Allerdale.

Hutchison 3G UK Limited is set to install 5G equipment at the Millennium Communications Site at Wise House Farm in Seaton.

5G broadband provides faster, more reliable network coverage.

Allerdale Borough Council has received a notification of the works from Beaconcomms.

They said: “We write on behalf of Hutchison 3G UK Ltd, in conjunction with Mobile Broadband Network Limited in relation to the proposal to carry out permitted development at the above site, which is managed by Cellnex, a radio infrastructure provider.”

Works involve replacing three antennas with six new antennas and ancillary development.

Beaconcomms said: “As with all mobile installations, we can confirm the installation of the apparatus has been designed and will be operated within the relevant ICNIRP guidelines on public exposure.”

They said that faster internet speeds after the antennas are built will be a boost to the area.

“There is significant UK Government support for the delivery of 5G, particularly as this new connectivity will be a step change from earlier generations of mobile connectivity and will be critical to economic growth and sustainable communities.”

In their notification letter to council, Beaconcomms said: “The proposal is not subject to an application for planning permission or prior approval, but nonetheless we offer you the opportunity to make any comments on the details of the development or our engagement strategy.”

They said that the minor works are unlikely to require “detailed prior engagement with the local community.”

The Code of Best Practice on Mobile Network Development was used to decide the level of engagement that would be needed.

Beaconcomms said: “Using this assessment, the proposal has been categorised as green and we therefore have not carried out any wider community engagement reflecting the minor nature of the works.”

Operators are Electronic Communications Code Operators under the provisions of the Communications Act 2003 and operate in accordance with the Electronic Communications Code Regulations.

The full letter is publicly available on the Allerdale Borough Council planning portal.