WORKINGTON MP Mark Jenkinson has welcomed the news that more than 50 per cent of over 50s in the borough have now received their Covid 19 booster vaccine – and has encouraged all who have not yet done so to get their third dose.

NHS England data, published for the first time, shows 25,639 people aged 50 and over in Allerdale had received a booster jab or third vaccine dose by November 21.

That's at least 54 per cent of the age group, based on the number of people on the National Immunisation Management Service.

Mr Jenkinson welcomed the news, describing it as 'fantastic'.

"We were way ahead on the first and second vaccinations and this is really fantastic news on the boosters," he said.

"I had mine on the 19th at Seaton Pharmacy. I would just make the call again that everybody who is eligible, and that is now being extended to all over 18s, should have their booster.

Booster jabs are available for people in eligible groups who had their second dose at least six months ago, while third primary doses are offered to people with severely weakened immune systems.

Across the North West as a whole, around 53 per cent of over-50s had received a booster jab or third dose by November 21.

Data shows falling levels of protection from symptomatic disease and hospital admission six months after people have had their second jab – particularly among older adults and at-risk groups.

Scientists and politicians are urging everyone eligible to have their booster jabs, as the first confirmed cases of the Omicron variant were discovered in the UK over the weekend.

Professor Stephen Powis, NHS national medical director, said: “The NHS has once again been quick to roll out to newly eligible groups, including protecting people in their forties with a booster.

“I’ve had my booster and I would urge everyone to get their vaccine whether their first, second or top-up dose as soon as possible, giving them and their loved ones vital protection over winter and the festive period”.