PLANS have been lodged for internal alterations to a church in Cockermouth, creating flexible spaces which can be used as a faith hub.

Allerdale Borough Council has received an application for permission to make alterations at Christ Church on South Street, Cockermouth.

The Grade II listed building dates back to 1865 and is still well used in present day.

And proposals submitted to the council are set to give the historic building a new lease of life.

Improvements in the latest application will replace timber hinged doors with glazed sliding doors at the main entrance “and removal of existing timber doors and replacement with glazed hinged doors” to the west of the building.

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The work is part of a wider vision of a more modernised building.

A heritage statement submitted with the application states that proposals for the church are to make the historic church more “flexible and accessible” so that it can be used by the worshipping community and residents of the wider area for varied activities.

The applicant said: “The proposed development is to take place in two phases. Phase one comprises of changes affecting the exterior of the building and internal re-ordering mainly on the ground floor.

“Phase two relates to internal changes to the first floor. However there will be some overlap as they are all interconnected.”

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Plans are for the new-look building to “have a contemporary appearance, with a unified simple form of timber fin detailing over a dark grey/black background, repeated throughout the proposed internal interventions.”

The heritage statement reports that the changes “should be less than significant with only moderate harm occurring to the setting.”

All applications submitted to Allerdale Borough Council can be viewed and commented on by members of the public.

Councillors will take comments of support or objection into account when giving their verdict on applications.

To view applications submitted for your area, visit:

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