AN octopus who decided he wouldn't wait for his dinner caused something of a flap when he was found missing.

Staff at the Lake District Coast Aquarium in Maryport were doing routine maintenance of the octopus display which involved a drain down.

Owner Mark Vollres said: "We moved the octopus into a quarantine tank for the duration.

"Octopuses are the most incredibly intelligent and resourceful animals and you should never underestimate what they are capable of, so this one's temporary home was made secure with a lid, or so we thought!

"Half an hour later we were horrified to find that it was no longer to be seen and all aquarist staff were called to look for it.

"They are known to be capable of climbing out of water but cannot survive long on dry land, let alone the significant drop from the tank."

Staff searched high and low and Mr Vollers said he started to think it may have gone down a floor drain.

Then it was spotted in the sump drain of the quarantine system.

"In order to get there it must have dropped down into a  lengthy parallel tank and then exited that one down into the sump, where it was busy hunting for the crabs that also live down there.

"At any point in its journey of several metres,it could have landed on the floor."

"This absolutely proves that it knew what it was doing. This is a Common Octopus,  one of two species found around the UK, and the first time we've had them at The Aquarium.

"They are clearly not only bigger and stronger than any we've had before, but are also much more adventurous by nature, requiring and relishing frequent engagement with the aquarists who are forever devising new toys for them to play with!"

Mr Vollers said unscrewing a jar to access food inside only causes a  momentary delay before the task is completed, even if a completely new type of container is presented to the animal.

"The 'Octopus' talk given by the aquarists to visitors has never been so enthralling," he said.

"For many visitors watching the octopuses is the highlight of their visit."