Barriers on a Cockermouth cycleway which have caused access problems for years were due to be realigned this week.

Cllr Richard Watson raised the issue at a town council meeting last Thursday. "The metal barriers are situated at various points along the Greenway.

"They were probably installed originally to deter motorbikes but in practice they merely make access for wheelchairs, prams and mobility scooters very difficult.

"I would argue, on balance, for their removal."

He said that various residents had highlighted the issue with him.

Cllr Isobel Burns agreed. "They were put there for safety reasons but are a nuisance for people trying to negotiate them."

Cllr Alan Smith said: "I complained about this a year ago. There was money in Allerdale's budget to do this and I've been told it's being done next week."

A council spokesperson said: "Work will be carried out on one of the barriers situated at the entrance to the cemetery this week. The plan is not to remove the barrier, but to realign it to make access easier for wheelchairs and prams."

He confirmed the other barriers would also be realigned to improve access. The work was due to be done this week, he said.

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