Allerdale borough council

LBC/2022/0046 - 21 St Helens Street, Cockermouth, Installation of a residential lift between the Kitchen (Ground Floor) and Back Bedroom (First Floor).

CAT/2022/0030 - 33-35 Cobbled Forecourt, Kirkgate, Cockermouth - Proposed works to trees in the Conservation Area. The tree is a horse chestnut Proposed work - cut back branches (pollard) in keeping with the other trees on Kirkgate. Purpose - prevent loss of internet to the house as branches are pulling on the cables. Secondary factors - Shading to properties 29-35 Kirkgate.

FUL/2022/0228 - Orchard House, Strawberry How, Cockermouth - Change of use to dwelling including single storey extension.

FUL/2022/0237 - 18 Pinfold Street, Workington - Change of use from parlour of repose to dwelling house.

FUL/2022/0222 - Hanger 43, Silloth Industrial Estate, The Airfield, Silloth - Resurfacing and extension of the existing yard for storage of concrete products including new or replacement surfacing.

HOU/2022/0179 - Dykelands, Gilcrux, Wigton - Single storey extension.

WTPO/2022/0019 - Fitz Wood, Cockermouth - Oak Tree - Cut back overhanging boughs Sycamore Tree - Cut back overhanging boughs.

FUL/2022/0230 - Old Rectory, Boltongate, Wigton - Change of use of the Old Rectory from C1 to C3 and construction of wooden storage shed and studio (retrospective).

FUL/2022/0234 - Blue Dial Farm, Allonby, Maryport - Provision of multi function shed on existing farm.

FUL/2022/0217 - Lowmoor House, Lowmoor Road, Wigton - Construction of two family dwellings.

CLQ/2022/0002 - Agricultural Building, Field 7710, Between Ellen Grove and Netherhall School, Maryport - Prior notification for conversion of agricultural building to a dwelling.

CON/2022/0051 - Harby Brow Tower, Mealsgate, Wigton - Compliance with condition 3 (archaeological investigation) of application LBC/2022/0035.