THIS week's bouquet to a person making a difference in their community is actually going to a group.

That is because it is the Cockermouth Rotary Club as a whole that is promoting the town, taking care of its residents and generally living up to its aim to assist its community and the world.

Just this week, for instance, the club has held a forum on mental health: "The day is about creating supportive communities by having conversations with family, friends, or colleagues about mental health.

"Taking time to talk, we can support ourselves and others."

That is an example of the way this club takes care of the soul.

That the club and its members are making waves is demonstrated by the fact that they have appeared in the Times & Star 77 times in recent years!

Last year was the fourth year that the club published a calendar of beautiful Cockermouth. It not only promoted the town but all proceeds went to local charities.

Last year the club also ran a competition among primary schools.

The late Peter Colley, who would have been a person of the week in his own right, was a fervent supporter of Cockermouth's history and historic assets and was instrumental in saving the Kirkgate building for its present use.

Among others illustrious members was the late Billy Bowman - Mr Music himself - who, as a long standing member of Rotary and on his own, did so much for his town.

Rotary works with others organisations in the town and one of its most successful projects must be Linking Lives.

The scheme, to com,bat loneliness by befriending those on their own, saw Rotary backed Churches Together in the Cockermouth Area (CTiCA) along with Cumbria County Council, Allerdale council, and the Cinnamon Trust.

At a time when many service clubs and charities are struggling for membership, or volunteers, Rotary is beating the odds .It has been there since 1939 and through floods, pandemics, good times and bad, it remains the heart of its community.

For more information about Rotary projects or membership go to the club's website.