Cockermouth's two members of the new Cumberland Council spoke about future plans at the recent Annual Parish Meeting.

Mayor Andrew Semple told the town hall meeting he would be standing down as a town councillor at the next election.

"It has been an honour and a privilege to have served as Mayor of Cockermouth," he said.

"I shall not be standing for election this May. However, I am looking forward to playing my part in the new Cumberland Council, representing Cockermouth South.

"This also means I shall still be a regular visitor to town council meetings and I will be doing all I can to support the fine work that town councillors and our valued staff do for Cockermouth."

Also present at the meeting of the town's councillors was Helen Tucker, who will be representing Cockermouth North on the new unitary authority.

Resident Brian Coley asked if the new authority would affect town and parish councils.

Cllr Semple replied that parishes may have more responsibility. Cllr Tucker replied that no decision had been made.

Cllr Semple spoke of the importance of community-based work.

The plan is to have eight Community Panels which will meet four times a year, he said.

"They will act as committees of Cumberland Council, providing a local point of contact for all areas; a place where opinions and views can be explored and voiced on a range of issues impacting on our community."

Mr Coley asked: "Will they be attended by members of the community or just councillors, what is the mechanism for the community to get involved?"

Cllr Semple replied that this had not yet been determined but felt that they should not be councillor led and that the public should be involved.