Residents will be able to hear about options for solar energy at an event in Cockermouth.

The town council is supporting plans for the Solar Made Easy event run by Cumbria Action for Sustainability.

It will inform residents about options, give them the opportunity to meet installers and look at their property on a map which which shows solar potential.

"Renewable energy generation is one of our most important weapons in fighting the climate emergency," said a CAfS spokesman.

"One of the most immediately familiar and widespread technologies that produces renewable energy is solar PV. Despite all appearances, there is plenty of sunshine in Cumbria to generate worthwhile amounts of power.

"The ultimate aim of the Solar Made Easy project is to help install as much solar PV infrastructure as possible. Alongside this goal, we want to help people understand solar PV, how it works and how to go about getting it installed and we also want to get people thinking about energy efficiency."

At a recent town council meeting it was decided to support this venture. A date is still to be set.