RESIDENTS will have a say in how money earmarked for a canceled community swimming pool will now be spent.

Ideas include adding a new adventure play area to the Wave Centre, improving Clip 'n' Climb, creating a bigger gym and adding study space and multi-purpose rooms.

The money could be used to enhance the harbourside with a new outdoor park and event space.

The Shiver Me Timbers play area might be given a makeover and the plan could see outlets selling food and drink and retail units, and a splash park or skate park.

The Promenade could be improved by building a new beachside shop, café and event space.

Some of these proposals harks back to the £ 1.2 million of Historic Action Zone (HAZ) money for Maryport. It was then proposed to have shipping containers on the harbour which would be run as pop-up shops in the summer and be easily closed up in winter.

A Cumberland Council spokesperson said: "Early consultation, before the Government money was awarded, highlighted the community’s desire to make more of the Harbourside and the Promenade, with better attractions and facilities for all generations, locals and visitors alike."

Between HAZ and the Future High Street Fund, Maryport was looking to an investment in the town of £16 million.

Locals celebrated news that a decision, in 2021, would see the restoration of a swimming pool in the town, to be built at the Wave Centre.

Last month, however, Cumberland Council announced that this plan would not go ahead because costs had spiralled.

Now residents can help shape the plans for Maryport's future at public events.

The aim of the Future High Streets Fund is to renew and reshape town centres and high streets in a way that drives growth, improves experience and ensures future sustainability.

It is hoped that new and exciting alternatives can be found that will benefit Maryport for many years to come.

Cumberland Council leader Mark Fryer said: “I know the strength of feeling about this investment in Maryport and I hope we are creating some great new ideas that the whole community can get behind.

"Please come to these public events and tell us which ideas you think will really enhance the town.

"This is an exciting new opportunity to create facilities that will make a difference.

The public drop-in events will take place at the Town Hall on Senhouse Street on Tuesday, June 27, from 10am to 7pm and on Wednesday from 10 am to 4 pm.