A new footpath which is used by families in Cockermouth is "really dangerous, an accident waiting to happen", a town council meeting heard.

At the latest meeting, Cllr Gillian Telford raised concerns about the Fitz Ward Path, which runs alongside the busy A66.

Councillors questioned why the path was put on the road side of the hedge.

Councillors were asked "to consider and appeal/ approach to Cumberland Council regarding safety issues affecting the new path linking The Laureates and Parklands".

Cllr Telford said: "There's a new path at the top of The Laureates that connects to Parklands, right next to the layby on the A66.

"It's really dangerous, an accident waiting to happen.

"I observed a young mum walking with a buggy and a child in hand. The path is very dangerously placed.

"I think it's quite an urgent issue. It's about protecting a safer route to school."

She added: "Lovells (The Laureates developers) have built the path and the site manager says there are no plans for additional safety measures."

Cllr Isabel Burns said: "It's a safe route to school for many. As a town council we should be pushing that Highways do something."

Councillors questioned the location of the path.

"It seems stupid to me, it should be inside the hedge," said Cllr Stephen Burns.

"I thought about asking for speed cameras between the two roundabouts as it's used as a race track on Saturday nights."

Cllr Helen Tucker, who is also on Cumberland Council, said she would speak to the director of Highways and invite him to look at it.

"It does seem very odd it's the wrong side of the hedge," she said.


Cllr David Malloy said the planning application should be revisited. "It would be interesting to see what was passed by Allerdale at the time. Where should it be - is it in the wrong place?"

It was agreed that the plans should be looked into.

"We shall express concerns about this path and ask Cumberland Council if they can look at it, with a view to making it safer," said mayor Julie Laidlow.

A representative from Lovell Homes said: “The pathway that leads from the Lovell development and runs adjacent to the A66 has been built in line with approved drawings. It has been inspected by National Highways and we are currently awaiting their feedback.”