West Cumbria Rivers Trust is asking local families for their pre-loved wellies to help supplement stocks for their programme of forest schools and river days.

Director Jodie Mills said: "We work with schools across West Cumbria providing access to forest school and our ‘Wild About River’ days as part of our education programme.

"We’re seeing a huge increase in demand for our programmes and finding we need to supply more wellies than ever before to children who either don’t have them or forget them on the day.

"Providing these activities is invaluable to children in interacting with the natural environment and gives them fantastic experiences they’ll remember and build on later in life.”

If you live in or near Keswick and you have wellies in good condition (still waterproof), they’re looking for sizes ranging from 1-7. If you can help, please drop them off at their offices at the old Keswick Convention Centre on Skiddaw Street.