SUE Gorman must have one of the most rewarding jobs in the world - a job that entails rescuing people from loneliness.

Sue has been the scheme coordinator for Cockermouth Linking Lives since its launch in 2019.

The birth of the charity was an example of Christianity in action.

It was created by Churches Working Together which, as the name suggests, involved churches from Cockermouth and district coming together.

The group works on many projects but this is one that would be likely to have more impact than many.

Linking Lives deals with those who, for whatever reason, have become isolated or lonely. It is not just the elderly either. This group deals with people from 18 to 100 plus.

Cumbrian born and bred Sue has had a successful career in the care sector working with both adults and children in Barrow and surrounding areas.

Following a move to West Cumbria and her marriage to Brian in 2017, Sue continued to support young adults with learning disability until joining Cockermouth Linking Lives in 2019.

Sue and her husband have six children and four grandchildren. She spends as much time as possible with them as well as seeing her mother who still lives in the Barrow area.

Sue is a committed Christian and a key member of Cockermouth Christian Centre.

Cockermouth Linking Lives now has around 70 Link Friends who receive a visit or phone call for up to an hour each week.

Sue has also organised a Monday lunch event to bring lots of people together and find a place to make new friends.

Referrals for the CA13 area come from GPs, social prescribers, social services, friends and families and even some self-referrals. It has around 50 volunteers giving freely of their time for around an hour every week.

These are mainly visits to their Link Friends but some continue to receive the weekly telephone calls.

Terry Peate, the operations manager who nominated Sue as person of the week, said: “Loneliness and isolation, puts people at greater risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, depression and dementia.

"It is linked to a 26 per cent chance of early death. Experts say it should be regarded as a public health problem in the same way as smoking and obesity.

“We are always in need of volunteers to match with our Link Friends. If you have a friendly disposition and enjoy chatting and listening, get in touch with Sue on 07957 515140 or by email"