Mick Jagger - or one of the Rolling Stones - famously said he would not want to live beyond 30 because he would be too old.

TV presenter and chat show host Jonathon Ross commented, after a live concert, that it was disconcerting to see that Mick Jagger was performing in carpet slippers!

We all get older but that did not seem to matter to the crowd at the Well in Workington when New Amen Corner came to town as part of the Decades festival that saw live music

The New Amen Corner is one of several bands who, presumably still touring and bringing back the 60s to those who were there the first time and those who are just learning what was one of the greatest decades in the history of music and I should know because I was there.

Well, I was kind of there. You are at a convent boarding school you don’t get a lot of opportunity to put the swing into the swinging Sixties but we did have the music!

Amen Corner (and the new version) were famous for hits such as Bend Me, Shape Me, and If Paradise Was Half as Nice.

These photos concentrate on the Well and all are decade photos except for the one from New Year’s Eve which has been sneaked in to add to the party atmosphere,

Around the rest of the town were other 60s stars which we might bring you later.

They included Mike Pender, the voice of the Searchers who enjoyed success with Needles and Pins,

Then there was Chris Farlowe - Out of Time, Herman’s Hermits - I’m Into Something Good.

Also in town were the Swinging Blue Jeans who taught us to do the Hippy Hippy Shake and, finally, The Fortunes whose hits included You’ve Got Your Troubles I’ve Got Mine.

The photos on these pages show how everyone was enjoying themselves and there would be a few there who were old enough to know every word to every song.

We can’t bring back the sixties but, if we can ignore the wrinkles on the faces of our favourite bands - and those on our own faces - there are still enough of them touring the country to help us relive our youth.

The replacement hips may stop us from shaking just as much as we used to, but we will still have a go.