A WOMAN had drunk nine pints of cider when she discovered her ex-partner was in a relationship with her friend - and threatened to kill them both.

Jodie Allan, 31, sent a voicemail to her former partner, who had blocked her following their break-up two months earlier, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Prosecutor Pamela Fee said Allan’s former partner received a call from a withheld number on July 4 and a voicemail was left by the defendant, in which she called him a ‘f*****g rat’.

She said she knew where his new partner lived and she was going to kill both of them. She then turned up at the new partner’s address and tried to gain access into the property.

Her former partner phoned 999. During police interview, Allan said she had been in the Apple Tree pub in Workington and drank nine pints of Dark Fruits cider and one shot.

Allan said she had received a phone call from her cousin, who said her ex-partner was now with one of her friends. She got on the bus and travelled to the woman’s address in Maryport.

She said she was travelling there to get money she was owed by her former partner. She said she could see how the voicemail could come across as threatening.

Allan said she was sorry for sending the message but her former partner ‘wasn’t a nice person’.

Ms Fee said the defendant was currently on a community order for assault.

Allan, of Headlands Close, Workington, pleaded guilty to sending by public communication network an offensive, indecent, obscene, or menacing message.

John Cooper, defending, said: “There’s been a separation. She found out he was in a relationship with a good friend. It had been going on behind her back.

“Unfortunately, when you get that news after nine pints of Dark Fruits in the Apple Tree, it doesn’t go down that well.”

Mr Cooper said police had looked at the defendant’s phone and found messages between both parties that were offensive. Allan’s ex-partner had referred to her as a ‘fat s**g’, the court heard.

Allan was given a 12-month community order with 60 hours of unpaid work and 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

She was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.