McMenon Engineering executives were acknowledged at 10 Downing Street for dedication towards the future workforce's growth.

The Workington-based firm's CEO Anand Puthran and COO Shiby Bernard attended the Local Skills Champions' Reception last week, hosted by education secretary Gillian Keegan.

They were chosen from hundreds of prospective nominees and the gathering exceeded 100 attendees.

Mr Puthran said: "Being part of this event was truly fantastic and underscores McMenon's unwavering commitment to apprenticeships and education in our region.

"Thanks to Mark Jenkinson for inviting us to this prestigious event.

"We were honoured to take part in discussions that are shaping the future of the next generation – a cause we are incredibly passionate about at McMenon."

Times and Star: McMenon Engineering were honoured for commitment to the next generation at Number 10

Workington MP Mark Jenkinson stated: "I was delighted to welcome Anand and Shiby to No 10 to recognise them and McMenon Engineering as local skills champions.

"It was a great opportunity to celebrate the work they're doing to encourage skill development through employing local apprentices and workplace support."

Beyond this honour, McMenon says it is taking further steps to make an enduring impact in their community.

Recently, they held two Girls in Engineering Days at local West Cumbrian Sixth Forms, an effort to encourage more females to consider an engineering career path.

They also inspire young students in the vicinity, collaborating with local schools and colleges.

McMenon holds apprenticeships in high regard with 10 apprentices working across disciplines at their Workington factory.