Research has shown that there is an increased risk of theft and home burglaries taking place during the holidays. 

The home security and safety experts at ADT have revealed their top tips for posting safely online over the Christmas period. 

Any images or videos of gifts under the tree, being bought, or in the wrapping process can alert burglars that there will be goods left in the property, try to keep them out of photos. 

When sharing your decor, try to focus images of specific things, like the Christmas tree or table layout rather than the full room. 

Michele Bennett, managing director at ADT UK Subscriber, said: “At Christmas, when our houses are decorated, we can feel a bit more house proud, but it is important that we take the necessary steps to protect ourselves and our homes on social media. This festive season, be cautious whilst posting on social media by following our tips, and keep your family safe this Christmas."

People are also told to avoid sharing their plans online and not to show off photos of their doors online.