Cockermouth Town Council have appointed a new town clerk to replace Sheila Brown, following her resignation in October.

Jane Ollerenshaw has previously been clerk to Moresby, Ennerdale, Kinniside and Parton parish councils, and has also run a successful local business, Linden Upholstery Ltd of Workington.

Mrs Ollerenshaw said: "I am delighted to be joining the team at Cockermouth Town Council in February.

"I look forward to working together to make sure that Cockermouth continues to be a vibrant, welcoming town, and providing the best possible service for its residents."

Town Mayor Julie Laidlow said: "We have had first class clerks in the past who have laid the foundations for very successful town council events.

"Jane has some very large boots to fill, but I wish her all the best in her new role.

"I’m confident she’ll do a sterling job."