CUMBRIA Tourism is collaborating with housebuilder Gleeson Homes to help 'boost recruitment and retain talent' in the county’s tourism and hospitality workforce - by helping locals who work in the industry to get on the property ladder.

Gleeson Homes is the latest business to back Cumbria’s official Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP) and the new collaboration fits with Cumbria Tourism’s workforce strategy to encourage people to live, work, invest and study in the county.

Latest figures from Cumbria Tourism’s most recent Business Performance Survey – carried out in conjunction with Lamont Pridmore – reveal that 86 per cent of businesses believe the lack of affordable housing is a key issue for attracting and retaining employees, while 76 per cent cite the cost of accommodation as another reason.

Gleeson Homes currently has ten developments around the west coast of Cumbria and Carlisle, which are projected to deliver 650 'affordable' homes for local buyers by autumn 2028.

As well as bringing more homes to the area, Gleeson will be providing exclusive offers for those working in the tourism industry.

These include Cumbria Tourism’s local residents’ card ‘MyCumbria’, giving cardholders £500 off legal fees when they buy a new Gleeson home, and offering hospitality workers in Cumbria £1,500 towards options and extras when they reserve a new home with Gleeson.

Simon Dicanio, sales director at Gleeson Homes in Cumbria, said: “We are delighted to collaborate with Cumbria Tourism to support the local visitor economy by providing our high-quality, affordable homes for those in the tourism and hospitality workforce, and indeed all those in need of homes in Cumbria.

"The collaboration aligns with our mission to provide affordable homes where they are needed most and for those who need them most, as well as to support and invest in our local communities.”

Cumbria Tourism’s head of partnerships and projects, Rachel Tyson, added: “Our research shows that staff housing is a key priority for businesses across the visitor economy.

"Striking the right balance of housing to support jobs and help communities to thrive and grow is really important, and we’re excited to be working with Gleeson Homes to develop innovative solutions which do just that.

"This news is also very timely because we are currently recruiting for a new worker transport coordinator to coordinate existing and new transport options across Cumbria which help businesses to get workers to and from their shifts at key times.”

Gleeson Homes joins Cumbria Tourism’s 22 patron and strategic partners. Visit for more information.