CIVIC leaders have sent messages wishing residents across the Times & Star patch a Merry Christmas, as well as sharing hopes for the festive season.

Mark Fryer, Cumberland council leader

Cumberland Council leader, Mark Fryer said: "I would like to wish everyone a peaceful Christmas and a brighter and prosperous new year.  Families are at the forefront during this time and maybe we should also think of those of us who might be spending Christmas alone, maybe a knock on your neighbours door or a card could help.

"I know that many community groups are doing some wonderful work over the festive period, so a huge thank to those people who very rarely seek recognition for their efforts.

"There are also hundreds of Cumberland Council staff still working over the holidays.  Care workers, children’s residential staff, highways, refuse workers and social care workers to name a few.  Others include the NHS, police and other emergency workers who carry out that unseen work that keeps our community safe and secure.

"So a huge thank you thank you all as we should all remember that many of these people miss out on their families time too."

Mark Jenkinson MP

Workington MP Mark Jenkinson said: "Over 2,000 years ago, a child was born to virgin in a stable in Bethlehem – a gift to the world. Three Kings came bearing presents of their own as they paid homage to the King of kings. And every year children across my constituency wait excitedly for the arrival of their presents on Christmas morning.

"Christ’s arrival (his ‘Advent’) was the first and best Christmas gift. This is why we exchange presents at this time of year. The spirit of Christmas is fundamentally about giving, not just material things – but giving of ourselves.

"This year, I have been privileged to give hampers to veterans, and Christmas books to children. As an MP, I try to give as much as myself as I can to my job, but I also receive something in return –the knowledge that I have made a difference.

"I would like to thank my constituents for the faith they have placed in me. Merry Christmas."

Beth Dixon, Workington mayor

Workington mayor, Beth Dixon said: "As we come to the end of the 2023 I look back and reflect upon the year.

"We came together to celebrate a coronation; a historical moment for us all and a joy to see so many of our community from far and wide enjoying the entertainment and spending time with friends and family in our local park.

"We opened our Bee Happy garden, dedicated to increasing bio-diversity and wildlife in Vulcan Park, we have even had a few visits from a great spotted woodpecker!

"The Cumbria in Bloom judges were impressed with all the work that the community have been doing to help the local environment and Workington was awarded a silver gilt in the town category, a gold for our King’s coronation feature which was created by the local schools and a silver gilt special award for biodiversity.

"Vulcan Park also saw the introduction of a new sensory planter area and our ‘Letters to Heaven’ post box was extremely well received by the community. We hope that it brings comfort to those who have lost loved ones, especially at this time of year.

"We finished off a successful annual events programme with the Christmas Festival and Light Switch on, the busiest it’s ever been. "

"Having successfully being re-elected to Workington Town Council in May 2023, we welcomed new and previous Councillors; all with an enthusiasm to make Workington a better place to live.

"We look to 2024 as a year of change within the Council, with a forward thinking approach and a focus on our Environment, health and well-being and community/youth development."

Linda Radcliffe, Maryport mayor

Maryport mayor Linda Radcliffe said: "CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS TO ALL, from all at Maryport Town Council; as we look forward to welcoming in a New Year full of promise for those who live and work in and around Maryport , there are so many projects which should come to fruition this year to benefit the whole community of every age.

"Rejuvenation of refurbishment in the town centre and down in the harbour area, creating an exciting and safer place for young people to enjoy, and interesting places for visitors and residents to explore by following the information boards installed by the Town Council.

"We have evidence of a growing community spirit through co-working with businesses and individuals which will benefit our growing visitor numbers as well as full time residents of Maryport.

"We are encouraged by the positivity from our community who want to see this period of change as leading to a thriving seaside visitor-welcoming place to be proud of. Together, we can achieve this."

Julie Laidlow, Cockermouth mayor

Cockermouth Mayor Julie Laidlow said: "Wishing you all a very merry Christmas, and a happy New Year."