POLICE in Cockermouth has issued a reminder to the public on parking following an increase of issue in Cockermouth.

Allerdale police have warned of a number of issues in the town, these include:

  • Parking on the zig-zag lines, particularly on Main Street - Believe it or not, this is illegal, failure to comply with the law will lead you with three penalty points and a £100 fine.
  • Blocking entrances - this falls under unnecessary obstruction and individuals who commit this offence will be subjected to a £30 fine.
  • Parking on double yellows, we understand there is concern from locals regarding Station Street - this again falls under unnecessary obstruction - we are also liaising with Cumberland Council to address this issue and work with their parking wardens to address this.
  • Issues have also been raised with drivers parking their vehicles in the middle of the road on Main Street - tickets will be issued for unnecessary obstruction.

The statement said: "Please always think and take note where you are parking your vehicles, even if you think 'I'll just be a minute', this could cost a life."