PLANS for five new homes in the Workington area are due to be decided next week.

Members of Cumberland Council's planning committee are due to meet in the Civic Centre on Wednesday, January 31, from 10.30am.

Genesis Homes (North) is hoping to build the new properties, but the application has been called in by councillor Jimmy Grisdale (Seaton, Labour) because of the cumulative impact with the nearby 94 buildings, alternative drainage, open countryside location and footpath links.

The proposal is for a site on land north of Camerton Road in Seaton and, as well as the five properties the application is for access, parking, landscaping and associated works.

It is recommended that members grant full planning permission subject to a number of planning conditions and the signing of a planning agreement.

According to the report which will be considered by members the application site relates to the north eastern corner of a larger agricultural field of the adjoining housing site which has been considered within previous agenda items.

The report states: "The site fronts onto Camerton Road and a public right of way is outside the eastern boundary of the site.

"Permission has previously been granted at outline and reserved matters for the construction of five dwellings on the site."

According to the report Genesis now owns the site and required works relating to the previous permissions started on site in November 2023.

It adds: "As such this application is a full planning application for the construction of five dwellings. The access is the same as previously approved with two dwellings to the left and three to the right.

"The properties are all detached two storey dwellings apart from plot one which is one and a half storey as previously approved.

"The design of the properties would be Genesis house types rather than bespoke house types as previously approved.

"The design and scale of the dwellings are considered appropriate to the location and includes a one and a half storey dwelling adjacent to the existing bungalow and a mixture of two storey detached dwellings to the remaining plots.

"The plots adjacent to the entrance road would be dual frontage. The materials proposals would reflect the larger adjacent housing development and the materials of existing dwellings in the area."

The report states that the parish council has raised concerns regarding the cumulative impact of the proposal in conjunction with the neighbouring site.

It adds: "It is material to note that both sites benefit from separate planning consents and while now within the same ownership would be served by separate highways access with no vehicular link.

"The only link would be via a pedestrian footpath which supports the connectivity of the site. The proposals would not result in overdevelopment with the five dwellings achieving adequate amenity space and the layout providing access, parking and turning with appropriate levels of landscaping.

"The design of the dwellings would now visually reflect the adjacent housing site and as such the proposed layout and dwellings would be in accordance with national and local policies and conditions would secure the landscaping."