A YOUTH has been arrested for failing to comply with a dispersal notice issued on Workington town centre this weekend- as police warn parents who they say have been allowing their children to remain in the town despite knowing they have been participating in anti-social behaviour.

Allerdale police announced the dispersal order had been placed on the town centre of Workington on Saturday evening, February 10.

Announcing the dispersal order, they said: "One youth has been arrested on suspicion of causing criminal damage and youths are in the process of being dispersed from the town centre."

The dispersal order was set to remain in place until 11:59pm on Saturday evening, announcing in an update that children were still in the town despite the order.

In the update, Allerdale police said: "Following a dispersal order being put in place for Workington town centre one youth has been arrested for failing to comply with the dispersal notice issued to them.

"We are also aware that parents have been allowing their children to remain in the area of the town centre knowing that they are involved with groups engaging in ASB. This is not acceptable and will be dealt with accordingly."