A PLANNING application to build two semi-detached houses in Workington has been refused by Cumberland Council.

Documents show that the plans were for two homes on an unused area of grass/shrub land on the corner of Pearson Street and Cumberland Street.

The application received five objections, while the town council suggested the site might be more suited to one property.

Plans for flats had previously been approved on the site in the 1980s. "The land is just going to waste," the applicants wrote.

In the conclusion of their report, the Cumberland Council planning officer wrote: "The principle of residential development at the site is considered acceptable.

"However, the submitted scheme, due to the rear two storey projecting element, results in detriment to the amenity of the neighbouring property in terms of overbearing development and creating an increased sense of enclosure.

"Whilst an acceptable development could be achieved, the proposal as submitted does not and it is therefore recommended that the application is refused."