Pensioner day-trippers explored Cockermouth as part of Stagecoach's latest Grand Day Out.

The initiative was launched by Stagecoach Cumbria and North Lancashire in 2021.

It aims to reassure older passengers that bus travel is safe, comfortable, and convenient.

It encourages them to fully use their free bus pass, thereby showcasing attractions and venues across Cumbria and North Lancashire.

The latest day-trippers, consisting of 30 older people, enjoyed an outing to the market town of Cockermouth last Wednesday.

Their trip included a visit to Wordsworth House and Gardens during the morning, followed by a guided history tour of Cockermouth in the afternoon.

Times and Star: The initiative was launched by Stagecoach Cumbria and North Lancashire in 2021

An intriguing highlight was a narrow wooden door on Main Street, leading to Cockton's Yard that had once housed weaving workshops.

Free lunch was provided by Stagecoach, thanks to a local café, Norham House.

Mary Cardwell, 79, from Cockermouth, was among the participants and expressed delight at the discovery of her hometown’s hidden attractions.

She explained: "There is so much interesting history here in Cockermouth.

"It's been a wonderful day.

"My advice to older people is to jump on the bus and explore Cockermouth, it's a beautiful town."

John Mintern, 74, travelled from Workington to join the trip.

He enjoyed the visit to Wordsworth House, expressing hope for future visits to more historic sites.

Mr Mintern also encouraged his fellow pensioners to participate in the Grand Days Out, saying: "Just jump on the bus, show your bus pass and it's a free day out."

Times and Star: £150,000 will be pumped into a review of bus services across Cambridgeshire.

Stagecoach's managing director, Tom Waterhouse, said, "Excursions like the Grand Day Out show how bus travel plays a vital role in encouraging older people to make the most of their free bus passes."

Cockermouth and District Civic Trust is promoting a walk through the town for everyone keen to explore its history with maps available at the Tourist Information Centre.

Stagecoach promises more adventures in the near future for the eager group from Age UK.