A MARYPORT shop could be turned into a cocktail bar if the plans are approved by Cumberland Council.

The proposal is for an address in Senhouse Street and, according to a heritage statement, the closest property listed on the Historic England website is 70m away as the crow flies.

The report states: "The asset is not an Archaeological Heritage Site. The proposal would see no changes to the frontage of the property and only external change being to the rear of the property where blocking up an existing door opening and relocating further approximately 5m away.

"The changes will not be visible from the public highway as the back of the property is access off an alleyway from Catherine Street.

"The proposed works relate to conversion of the use of the building from a shop into a cocktail bar.

"It is considered that the building alterations will not affect the visual aspect the properties of significance due to distances away from the asset property. Nor will the changes have any negative effect to the conservation area they are within."

The planning application is currently be considered by council planning officials.