A YOUNG motorcyclist who led police on a 140mph chase on the A66 attempted to evade police by ‘blending in’ with trees.

Jordan Lake could have caused a fatal collision during the three-minute pursuit, in which he showed a ‘total disregard’ for his own safety and innocent members of the public, a court heard.

The 25-year-old will be sentenced next month after admitting dangerous driving and using a vehicle without insurance.

Outlining the case at Workington Magistrates’ Court, prosecutor Pamela Fee said police saw Lake’s motorbike being driven between Keswick and Cockermouth on the A66 at 11.30pm on May 17.

It was travelling at speeds between 80mph and 100mph. Officers caught up with the motorbike and Lake noticed that police were behind him.

He then failed to stop for approximately three minutes, driving at speeds of 140mph and overtaking another vehicle on a blind left-hand bend.

Lake then turned off his lights and came to a stop on a grass verge, trying to blend in with trees, hoping police wouldn’t see he was there.

But he was found and arrested by police. He gave ‘no comment’ during police interview.

Ms Fee said the incident could have led to a fatal collision involving innocent members of the public. She said there had been a ‘total disregard’ for the defendant’s own preservation of life and his own safety.

Mike Woolaghan, defending, said: “There are significant underlying mental health issues informed by childhood trauma.

“He has been struggling to cope with the fallout of that. He has been sectioned in a mental health institute.

“He was telling police he has already made arrangements for assisted suicide at a clinic in Belgium in June.”

Mr Woolaghan said Lake had been ‘head hunted’ by Mercedes and described him as a ‘bit of a unique talent’.

Magistrates adjourned the case until June 11 to allow a pre-sentence report to be prepared by the probation service.

Michael Coulson, chair of the magistrates’ panel, told the defendant: “You are just young. You are 25. There is a world of possibilities out there.”

Lake, of Kirkfell Avenue, Cockermouth, was granted bail and given an interim driving disqualification.