Older people in Cumbria will have the opportunity to keep active following the renewal of a partnership.

The Cumbria Yoga Foundation will continue working alongside the Live Longer Better in Cumbria programme, supporting older adults with long-term health conditions in their quest to stay active.

A second grant from the Reconditioning Fund will enable free yoga sessions to be held in various towns including Barrow, Carlisle, Maryport, and Workington. There will also be free chair yoga sessions.

The Yoga Foundation's chairwoman and founder, Caroline Robinson, stated: "This project, whilst focusing on the physical aspects of yoga practice, will also bring people together in a safe, fun, friendly and caring environment".

She further cited the excitement associated with partnering with "brilliant organisations around the county who provide such important support in our community".

Active Cumbria development officer and Live Longer Better in Cumbria program lead, Clare Paling, commented: "It is fantastic to have Cumbria Yoga Foundation continue with us as a partner in the Live Longer Better in Cumbria revolution".

Head of Age UK Barrow and District, Vickie Martin, shared her delight saying: "This is fantastic news.

"We have seen the benefits physical exercise can have for our service users and we are really excited to work together with Cumbria Yoga Foundation".

Healthy Hopes group facilitator, Mike Hawkins, spoke of the appreciated value of the yoga sessions: "The members who have used the sessions have benefited greatly in their mental and physical wellbeing.

"The continued funding for these sessions will be greatly appreciated by us all".