North Cumbria Integrated Care (NCIC) trust has paid out nearly £70,000 in the last five years to compensate employees for assault incidents.

An investigation by has found that in the last five years, there have been a recorded 15 claims and incidents of NHS staff assault within the trust with 8 claims being settled with damages totalling, £67,864. 

Of all NHS Trusts in England, those in the North West have paid a combined total of £768,535 in damages for staff assault claims since 2019.

Similarly, Cumbria. Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust settled or closed 12 assault claims with a total of £108,992 and recorded 49 claims and incidents of NHS staff assault in the last 5 years.

Last year, the NCIC trust launched a new campaign to tackle physical and verbal abuse towards NHS staff.

The ‘HUMAN’ campaign comes as almost a quarter of trust staff reported experiencing harassment, bullying, or harassment from patients or families in last year’s staff survey, with staff from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic backgrounds being 5 per cent more likely to experience it.

Dr Louise Buchanan, medical director and consultant cardiologist said that over 2023, the trust had "350 incidents of physical or verbal aggression towards staff reported". 

"As a Trust, it’s important we do as much as we can to protect our staff while at work. 

"When our staff face aggression or sometimes even physical violence, it can have a serious impact on their shift, their day, their wellbeing and ultimately their ability to provide high quality care.

"This can sometimes result in instances where staff are then absent from work and have a much longer term impact on their health. NHS staff are here to help you and they deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, while they are at work," she said. 

Earlier this year, it was revealed attacks that have seen ambulance staff in the north west threatened with a knife, punched and subjected to sexual assault had taken place more than 4,000 times since 2020.