A retired business executive who only learned to row four years ago, is now facing a gruelling four-hour, 50km challenge.

David Thomas, 62, hopes to raise £5,000 to pay for changing facilities and showers for Lakeland Rowing Club’s junior members at its new Derwentwater site.

The former financial manager and part-time business coach from Keswick will be balanced on a highly unstable boat, known as a scull, for the marathon effort.

The vessel is described as "little wider than his hips", and will see David perched in it for more than four hours.

Lakeland RC, which is currently based at Derwent Water Marina in Portinscale, signed a lease on the new site close to Keswick ’s Crow Park earlier this month.

David, who recently qualified as a rowing coach, hit on the idea of a sponsored row as a way to bridge the gap between the £22,000 the club has already raised to fund the move, and the £27,000 it needs.

He said: “Lakeland Rowing Club is dedicated to introducing this enjoyable, sociable sport to local people of all ages, and our junior section, made up of about 30 pupils from Keswick and Cockermouth schools, is thriving.

“Our landlords at Derwent Water Marina have been exceptionally kind to us over the years, but we’ve outgrown the space they have to offer, and it’s time for us to move on so we can continue to expand.

“However, without additional funds we can’t pay for the changing and showering facilities that are especially vital for our younger members.”

David will be travelling to Boston in Lincolnshire for the event, which takes place on the River Witham on Sunday, September 17.

He said: “I’m training 10 hours a week: five on the water and five on a rowing machine at Keswick Leisure Centre. I recently completed my longest non-stop stint so far on the lake of four hours and seven minutes.

“The hardest parts, apart from getting up early to train, are coping with the many blisters and callouses on my hands and having to balance on a tiny unpadded wooden seat for so long.”

To sponsor David, visit www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/David-Thomas-appeal-on-behalf-of-Lakeland- Rowing -Club-Derwentwater- Keswick -Cumbria .

Alternatively, to find out more about opportunities at Lakeland RC visit www.lakelandrowingclub.com or find the club on Facebook by searching for the Lakeland Rowing Club page.