There are hundreds of people throughout Cumbria and beyond, who probably do not even know the name Julia Walker.

This remarkable woman, who lives in chronic pain since she broke her pelvis 10 years ago, has opened up a new world to thousands of them..

Despite being confined to a wheelchair for several years before an operation to fuse the pelvic break, the then mother of two became concerned that her husband's grandfather, who, because of his age and disabilities could not access the fells he had once loved.

The result was the founding of Lake District Mobility, now Outdoor Mobility, a registered charity that offers all-terrain mobility scooters,

"It is one thing to be pushed around in a wheelchair. With these scooters, people can go at their own pace, stop to take a photo, and just feel independent." Read more:

If this makes it all sound easy it wasn't.

While she was waiting for her operation and, indeed, during it, she was being mentored by Ruth Kurkal, the woman who played such a part in Julia's life that she has now added Ruth to her middle name.

Ruth encouraged her to find out any needs that could be met and to research setting up the charity.

"I have been in a  mental hospital, I have been in a wheelchair so I know how people felt and why wouldn't I try and help."

Her building force is the deep Christian faith that pulled her out of her mental health issues.

"People praise me but it is not me but God who has made this happen."

She said two of her happiest moments were when her grandfather-in-law got to go onto the fells again.

Her next was when her 'adopted' grandmother, aged 99, was able to access the beauty of the Lake District.

"She is now 104."

 104."Starting off as Lake District Mobility, the last thing Julia did as founder and manager was to change the name from Lake District Mobility to Outdoor Mobility, so widening its reach.

."I feel I held the charity's hand through its primary school years and now it is in secondary school and can fend by itself - with the help of staff who are doing a wonderful job."

Her reason for leaving was to give yet some other people the hope and love she shares so willingly.

"We decided to foster children. We have a seven-year-old boy and the family sees its role as embracing the mother and showing her the same love as they show their own daughters and the foster child.

After the operation to fuse her pelvic bones, Julia was able to walk again, although still in pain, Now, almost 10 years later,, her body is rejecting the steel plates and she is back in a wheelchair again.

She is due for surgery in the next few days and is hoping that this will help her walk again. But whatever happens, Julia Walker, with her faith, her family, her friends and her indomitable spirit. will turn it into a positive for herself and those around her.

